Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Final Part 3: The Big Idea

“A big idea is a solid, creative, on-brand idea that is large enough and flexible enough to be used effectively across media for a period of time.” (Advertising by Design, Landa, 68)

Attitude: Rebellious

Feminine font

The advertisements for Bad Gal Lash will utilize connections. “Connections connect ideas and images to make a point or to express a function or emotion.”(Advertising by Design, Landa,77 ) The ads will also contain a form of visual analogy. “Let's say you are advertising personal computers, and the brand and advertising strategy positions your brand as the fastest in a price category. What type of argument would most effectively convince someone that your computer brand is the fastest? If you simply stated your argument, the consumer would have to take your word for it. (Saying something outright usually isn't a very interesting approach.)” (Advertising by Design, Landa, 77) Instead of saying outfit “Our mascara works the best,” the ads will illustrate something else that is “bad” having more fun/being more enjoyable/etc.

The advertisements will attract customers by creating excitement and conveying the brand idea. The ads may even give the message that our mascara is so good, that we don’t feel the need to cheese pictures of a models photoshopped eye lashes. 

"In any media, visuals and words together communicate a whole message that is greater than the sum of the parts (Advertising by Design, Landa, 97)" Since it is so important for visuals and type to work well together in advertisements, the Bad Gal Lash magazine ads will have a perfect balance of visual and complementary script. Without the slogan the photo won't make sense, and vice versa.

"Very few products, services, or groups are unique; most are parity products, that is, they offer qualities and functions similar or identical to those of their competitors. Branding and advertising differentiates these parity products, services, and groups in a crowded marketplace." (Advertising by Design, Landa, 50) Mascara is definitely a parity product, and Bad Gal Lash is not exception. This is why it is so important that the big idea of the advertisements are unique and offer something new and exciting to customers.

The concept of “Bad is Better” will not have to change constantly because it is so versatile. Many different visually interesting magazine, billboard, or online advertisements cans be created using the same concept and style. 

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